Therapeutic massage works for everyone, relieving stress and tension and improving range of motion. This is a full body massage catering to your individual pressure needs as well as focus work.

Modalities that may be incorporated:

  • neuromuscular

  • trigger point therapy

  • myofascial release

  • table top Thai stretching

  • intra-oral neuromuscular TMJ work

  • sports

  • prenatal

  • jade scraping

  • traction

  • hydrotherapy

  • manual lymph drainage

  • aromatherapy use

  • cupping

*All sessions can include CBD massage oil, stretching, aromatherapy inhalations, deep tissue, hydrotherapy, and biomat at no additional upgrade.


Lymphatic drainage is suited for anyone with swelling, lymphedema, and post surgical/cancer/colon treatments. This is unlike a regular massage, as it uses gentle pressure and works with the lymphatic system of your body helping to decongest the flow of lymph fluid toward the heart. It is a deeply relaxing massage with light pressure, using diaphragmatic breathing to aid in opening pathways. Essential oils of lemongrass, tangerine, and cypress are used on the legs to help aid with circulation.

Your lymphatic system helps eliminate your body’s waste. A healthy, active lymphatic system uses the natural movements of smooth muscle tissue to do this.

However, surgery, medical conditions, or other damage can cause fluids to build up in your lymph system and your lymph nodes, a condition known as lymphedema.

Lymphatic massage is not recommended for people with the following conditions:

  • congestive heart failure

  • history of blood clots or stroke

  • current infection

  • liver problems

  • kidney problems

    *90 minute session only. It is highly recommended to drink extra water before and after your session.

Prenatal massage is available for all trimesters. Many women experience hip and back pain during pregnancy as well as swelling in the feet or legs. Prenatal massage can help relieve anxiety, reduce swelling, regulate hormones, and decrease tension at all stages. This utilizes the side-lying position, bolstering the body with pillows to make you as comfortable as possible. We can also get you positioned sitting up on your back properly angled with bolsters as well. Our priority is to keep you and baby safe and sound.

Certified in MotherMassage ®



This work is incredible for your you if you experience any kind of mouth, jaw, face, and neck discomfort. Do you clench or grind your teeth? Do you have chronic neck pain and get headaches? I use neuromuscular techniques, wearing gloves, inside your mouth using static pressure to help soften the muscles. You will feel a difference immediately. The work can be intense, but it is short lived and well worth it.

This takes about 15 minutes and can be added easily into your massage session. Or it can be created into a 30 minute total session as well with neck massage.


Cupping has been used all over the world to treat health conditions for thousands of years. There are many types of cups used in cupping massage- I use manual silicone cups, as well as a Medi-Cupping™ machine using polycarbonate and metal vacuum therapy roller cups.

*I am certified in Medi-Cupping™.

Cupping techniques: Cupping massage can be done using different techniques, including static cupping, where the cups are placed on specific points on the body and left in place for a period of time, and moving cupping, where the cups are moved around the skin to create a massage-like effect.

These techniques relieve inflammation, sedate the nervous system, move stagnant lymph and blood, hydrate and nourish tissue, shift tissue PH, and can be used on acute and chronic conditions for all ages!

Cupping is also used to lift and stretch soft tissue (muscle, fascia/connective, attachments), separate fused tissue layers (i.e. ITB and TFL), release and soften scar tissue, open body drainage systems to aid in decongesting “solid bloat” and increase hydration of tissues. Bones also respond well to treatment.


  • Loosen Adhesions

  • Lymph Drainage

  • Release Deep Tissue Issues

  • Move Stagnation

  • Relieve Inflammation

  • Stimulate Blood Flow

  • Sedate the Nervous System


  • Poor Circulation

  • Muscular Aches

  • Diabetes

  • Arthritis

  • Scoliosis

  • Parkinsons

  • COPD/lungs

  • Scars

  • Vascular/varicosities

  • Auto Immune Disorders

  • Chronic pain and restrictions

  • Pre- and post- surgery issues

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Headaches

  • Sciatica

  • Edema

  • Cellulite

  • Bursitis

  • MS

It is very common to be left with cup “kisses” after your session. These are in fact not bruises.

Bruises are caused by impact trauma that breaks capillaries in the injured area. But there is NO compression or impact trauma when cupping is done correctly. In fact, cupping does the opposite. Instead of compressing/pushing your skin and muscles, it lifts/pulls your skin and tissues.

The red marks are a result of the blood being pulled into that area. The darker the mark, the more stagnant fluids (toxins, blood, and lymph) were dredged up during treatment. The marks can last for several days. The more often you receive cupping for the same issue, the lighter the marks will be.

You may feel sore after your session if you typically feel that after a deep tissue massage. If you are uncomfortable it is usually an indication of dehydration so drink a lot of water- extra over the next several days. Refrain from any hot or extreme cold activity (sauna, steam, hot tub) for up to 4-6 hours after your session. This is because cupping massage can cause increased blood flow and inflammation in the treated area, and exposing it to extreme temperatures can further aggravate the tissues. Do not receive any other bodywork for 48 hours as this could overload your system or complicate the work that was done.

If you have any concerns before trying cupping, please consult your Dr. If there is a questionable condition you may have, I may ask that you consult your Dr. before I perform cupping on you.

30 minutes $70

60 minutes $115

75 minutes $135

90 minutes $155

Gift cards available.